Can you request services for a single case?
Last updated February 20, 2024
Good news: Respaid is here for you, whether you have a single case to handle or multiple ones.
We understand the importance of every case and are committed to delivering high-quality service, regardless of its size.
📌No minimum quantity required
Our goal is to make our service accessible to everyone. We understand that each case is unique and deserves special attention. Therefore, even if you have just one case to entrust to us, you can rely on our total commitment to handle it with diligence.
📌Regular Submission of Cases
While we don't require a minimum commitment, we recommend that you transmit your cases to us as they come in. This allows us to start the process promptly and ensure that your case is handled in a timely manner. By providing us with the necessary information soon after the due date, you assist us in delivering an efficient and prompt service.
📌Equal Care for Each Case
Our commitment to quality remains unchanged. Each case is significant to us, and we put forth every effort to thoroughly examine the details, understand the issues involved, and take appropriate actions.