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How to start a collection or recovery process?

Last updated October 3, 2024

Do you have outstanding debts to recover? Look no further! With Respaid, it is now possible to easily submit a mass collection or individual debt case.

Tutoriel Debt File upload

Discover how to submit your case by following these simple steps and enjoy the benefits offered by our Respaid platform.


To get started, go to  this page , create a Respaid account, and click on "Start a recovery".

This will allow you to manage your collection cases conveniently and securely. Also, make sure to set up your account with the necessary banking information, so that the recovered funds can be transferred to you once the debt is successfully collected.

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Step 2:

Once your account is created, access the online form to submit the amicable recovery or collection case. Fill in the required information regarding the collection of your debt by providing us with an Excel file containing your outstanding payments. Here  is   the template to download .

💡Useful article:  What information is required to be provided in the Excel spreadsheet? 

Respaid import model

Don't forget to take note of Respaid's general collection conditions, and to accept them for all your current and future cases.

Step 3:

Once you have created your account on Respaid and submitted your collection case, please wait for 48 hours. During this time, our team will meticulously verify the data you have provided. We will ensure that everything is in order and compliant with the requirements to initiate the recovery process. This verification step is crucial to ensure the efficiency and accuracy of the collection.

Take advantage of this time to prepare yourself to observe the flows on your account. Once the 48 hours have elapsed, you'll be able to start seeing the results of your collection. This short but essential wait will enable us to offer you an efficient and reliable collection service.

Step 4:

Our team will carry out an initial internal process within 20 days. At this stage, we will set up multi-channel notifications to inform all parties concerned.

Next, we will entrust the collection to our network of experienced partner lawyers. They will take over and directly contact the debtors by phone to maximize your chances of recovering the debts.

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