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Help CenterEnglishRespaid toolsRespaid tool-CollectionHow is the schedule of reminders for debtors organized within an amicable debt recovery procedure?

How is the schedule of reminders for debtors organized within an amicable debt recovery procedure?

Last updated February 20, 2024

For guaranteed results, we have set up a dedicated notification schedule for debtors in the context of amicable recourse.

✅A strategy that delivers real collection efficiency (up to over 50% success rate, depending on the debt).

EmailOther channels
D-0 (Monday ou tuesday)Summons to paySMS
D-9 (Wednesday or thursday)Grace period + IPP ProjectD-10 (Thursday or friday)
D-15 (Tuesday or wednesday)Reminder 48 hours in advanceSMS
D-21 (Monday or tuesday)Submitting IPP to the courtD-22 (Tuesday or wednesday)

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