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Respaid tools
Respaid tool-Collection
Respaid tool-Collection
How does the 100% success-based debt collection work?
How does Respaid optimize debt recovery?
Does my team need any special training to become familiar with your system?
How does Respaid protect my confidential data?
What results can be expected from the Respaid Collection tool?
What is Respaid's capacity in terms of case management?
Who pays the Respaid fees?
Is it possible to add the collection or the recovery fees to the debtor's charge?
How did Respaid gain the trust of its customers ?
Is Respaid limited to only recoveries or collections?
How is the schedule of reminders for debtors organized within an amicable debt recovery procedure?
The Respaid Lab
How is billing generated: Standard Plan X Respaid Plus?
Applied fees
What VAT rate applies to my case ?
Will I be notified every time my debtor chooses to proceed with a payment installment?
How is an amicable collection or recovery contracted with Respaid?