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Help CenterEnglishPayment methods available to the customerFor invoice adjustmentWhat is the processing time for a ACH direct debit payment?

What is the processing time for a ACH direct debit payment?

Last updated April 17, 2024

ACH direct debit payments go through a validation phase of the ACH mandate by the customer's bank. This step theoretically takes between 4 and 14 working days, but on average takes 5 days. The debit from your customer's account only occurs after the ACH mandate is validated by their bank.

Once the customer's bank validates the mandate, Respaid initiates the transfer directly to your Stripe account. The appearance of funds in the firm's bank account (processing time for the bank transfer) takes between 5 and 7 working days, and the same timeline applies to payments made by credit card.

For more information on processing ACH transactions on your connected Stripe account, please refer to the document:  ACH Direct Debit .

Finally, be aware that Respaid never holds funds from transactions made on the platform, and transfers are initiated as soon as ACH or credit card payments are validated by your customer's bank.

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