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The Complete Onboarding Guide

Last updated April 22, 2024

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Putting an end to minor outstanding payments  here . This guide helps you take your first steps on Respaid.

📌1 - Registration

The first step of your experience on Respaid is to sign up on our platform.

The Complete Onboarding Guide

During your registration, you will be prompted to fill out an information form. We will ask you to provide:

  • Your First Name, Last Name, and the Name of your company for the account identity.
  • Your contact details: phone number and email address to ensure the security of your account.
The Complete Onboarding Guide

​📍Once these details are provided by you, you can click on "Continue". By clicking this button, you agree to  our terms and conditions of use .

registration 2

📌2 - Creating your connected Stripe account

However, on the far left, you have a greyed-out area. These are the other features of the platform.

To access all features in their entirety, you'll need to unlock them by clicking on the green banner "Get a Payment Link" or the orange banner "Start a Recovery".

You will be required to complete your    identity verification .

verify my identity

📍This action will redirect you to our banking partner    Stripe .

This process involves setting up the bank account where funds will be deposited in case of successful recovery and/or payment of invoices by your debtors.

The Complete Onboarding Guide

When you create a connected account, you have the option to specify your bank account information so that the recovered funds can be transferred directly to that account.

This significantly streamlines the recovery or collection process and allows you to receive funds quickly and efficiently.

At this stage, Stripe will ask you to fill out forms for your registration. You'll need to provide the required details to the platform.

Once your Stripe account is connected, it will be linked to your Respaid account, and the greyed-out features will become accessible.


Congratulations🎉, your account is now successfully created and set up ! You can navigate the platform and make use of all the services and features.

📌3 - The Respaid Dashboard

Send an Invoice : With Respaid, you can easily create and send invoices to your customers. The invoicing tool allows you to customize your invoices, add specific information, and send them with just a click. Simplify your invoicing process and keep accurate records of your transactions.

Start a Recovery : If you encounter payment issues with certain customers, Respaid allows you to start a recovery process in a few simple steps. You can effectively manage payment delays and maximize your chances of recovering the owed amounts. To entrust us with your recoveries, we invite you to prepare your debt schedule using  this template  and then submit it by uploading it through this option.

Get Your Payment Link : Respaid also simplifies the payment process for your customers. You can generate a customized payment link (including your company's logo and website) and share it with your customers via email or other communication channels. This streamlines the invoice settlement and provides a convenient experience for all parties involved.

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In addition to these core features, your Respaid dashboard provides you with a detailed view of your recent activities and real-time progress status of your payments.

On the left side of your screen, easily find the options that are useful to you:

📍Payouts: You can also obtain the details of each payment (via Stripe) to your bank account in the payouts tab (left menu of your Respaid interface).

  • The estimated arrival time in the bank account
  • The details related to a specific transfer
  • The applied Respaid fees
  • The amount transferred to the creditor​
  • Settings : Customize your profile and configure your account preferences according to your specific needs. You can adjust settings for the payment page, your Stripe account, and much more.
  • Productivity: Explore the tools to enhance your productivity.
  • Assistance : Need help or technical support? This option allows you to access dedicated assistance. Our team is here to answer all your questions and guide you in using Respaid.
  • Administration : If you are an administrator, this section allows you to manage users, permissions, and advanced settings of your Respaid account.

📌4 - Initiating a Recovery

✔ Set up your banking information

On your dashboard, click on "Start a Recovery".

This will allow you to manage your recovery cases conveniently and securely.

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Fill out the online form and accept the terms and conditions

Once your account is created, access the online form dedicated to submitting your case for amicable recourse. Fill in the required information regarding the recovery of your debt by providing us with an Excel file containing your outstanding payments. Here is  the downloadable template .

📌 5- Information to be provided in the Excel table

To initiate the recovery process, it is essential to ensure the completeness of all information regarding the debtor, creditor, and the debt. Fields marked with (*) are mandatory.

The Complete Onboarding Guide

Title → Mr. | Mrs.

Full Name* → Format: "First Name Last Name" e.g., John Doe

Postal Address* → Format: "123 Main Street, City 12345" in one line

Company Name (leave empty if an individual) → Format: UPPERCASE

Debtor's EIN Number → Format: Numbers only, e.g., 123456897

Email* → Format: Email address without spaces or special characters, e.g., 

Mobile Number → International format preferred ( +33 6 12 34 56 78 )

Billing Company Name* (entity issuing the invoice) → Format: UPPERCASE

Your Company's Address* (billing entity) → Format: "Company Name, Street Address, City Postal Code"

Invoice Number* (if multiple, separate references with ",") → Format: Text

Issue Date* (for multiple invoices, use the date of the first issued invoice) → Format: "dd/mm/yyyy"

In the case of multiple invoices for a customer: It's preferable to have one line per customer to avoid sending multiple notifications per customer. Otherwise, the Respaid team will handle data merging.

Description of the billed service* → Format: Text

Total Amount Incl. Tax* (for multiple invoices: total amount including tax) → Format: Number

Advance Payments Made* (if 0$: indicate 0) → Format: Number

Amount Due* (automatic calculation) → Format: Number

📌​6- You have created your account on Respaid and submitted your recovery case

After you have successfully created your Respaid account and submitted your recovery case, please allow a 48-hour period for processing. During this time, our team will meticulously review the information you have provided. We will ensure that everything is in order and compliant with the necessary requirements to initiate the recovery process.

Our team will perform an initial internal processing within a timeframe of 20 days. During this stage, we will set up multi-channel notifications to inform all relevant parties.

Then, we will entrust the recovery to our network of experienced partnered lawyers. They will take over and directly contact the debtors to maximize your chances of recovering the outstanding claims.

📌7- Notification regarding a recovered case

Once a case is partially or fully recovered, the creditor is informed by email about the amount and payment method (via Respaid or directly to the creditor), as well as the terms (single payment or installment).

Regardless of the recovery channel chosen by the debtor to settle their debt, Respaid provides real-time updates to the creditor. An email notification is sent, outlining the recovery details.

Case n°1

For funds recovered through the secure and personalized Respaid payment link

The funds are automatically deposited. A weekly email is sent containing an Excel table of all the payments made during the week to facilitate lettering.

 We do not retain any funds; each payment made by the debtor is automatically transferred to the designated account.

Case n°2

For payments made directly to the creditor

A proof of bank deduction is provided along with the email communication and added to the case (available in the downloadable debt table from the dashboard). This proof includes the amount, date, and recipient details.

The Complete Onboarding Guide

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