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Help CenterEnglishOur Terms and Conditions of Use (TCU)Respaid Subscription Cancellation Procedure

Respaid Subscription Cancellation Procedure

Last updated November 27, 2024

Following Section 3 - 4.3.5. Plans of our  Terms of Use , you can cancel your annual or monthly license anytime. To initiate the license cancellation process, please notify us through one of the following methods:

  • Via the live chat (on your Respaid dashboard)
  • By emailing support@respaid.com or billing@respaid.com
  • By contacting your designated account representative directly

To ensure prompt processing of your request and immediate effective cancellation, we kindly request that you submit your license cancellation notification by registered mail with delivery confirmation, at least 15 business days before your next billing cycle.

Upon receipt of your request, you will maintain access to our services until the end of the current billing period. You must officially inform us of your intention to cancel your subscription so that we can properly adjust our billing and account management processes.

Following Section 3 - 4.3.5. Subscription Plans, in the event of non-payment, the following measures will be applied:

For a newly launched campaign:

  1. Revocation of preferential pricing terms 6 business days after launch
  2. Suspension of all collection efforts and deactivation of payment links 9 business days after launch
  3. Generation of a mass cancellation fee

For a "Completed" campaign (all automated notifications sent):

  1. Discontinuation of collection follow-ups and manual case processing
  2. Delayed handling of debtor communications
  3. Restricted payment links that no longer allow debtors to engage with the assigned collections team

In summary, you have the right to cancel your license subscription, provided that you notify the Respaid team at least 15 days before the next billing cycle. Please note that unreported non-payment, regardless of the reason, will result in additional fees and impact the handling of your collections cases. Therefore, we strongly recommend informing us of any intention to cancel your license to avoid additional charges and ensure seamless continuity of your case management.

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