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Help CenterEnglishRecoveryInitiating an amicable debt collection through RespaidMy customer is disputing the debt. What is the procedure proposed by Respaid?

My customer is disputing the debt. What is the procedure proposed by Respaid?

Last updated April 15, 2024

📌 After receiving an email informing me of the debtor's dispute, is it necessary for me to follow up on it?

A debtor may dispute the debt and have a right of reply with the creditor. In such cases, the debtor fills in his or her dispute with supporting documents. An email is sent to the Respaid account administrators.

The status is updated to "Contested" with the appropriate sub-status. Proceedings against the debtor are halted pending the creditor's reply. The creditor is asked whether he wishes to continue, adjust the amount of the debt or halt the proceedings.

The creditor has the option to respond directly on their dashboard by providing additional supporting documentation to defend his/her position.

dispute 5

📌 After this step, two cases may arise:

  • Following the creditor’s return, a response is therefore issued to the debtor for a potential resumption of the proceedings.
  • If there is no response from the creditor, the case is cancelled within 5 working daysand the collection or the recovery is automatically assigned the "Cancelled" status. The "cancelled" status is reflected in the fact that the receivable to be recovered was not owed for any reason. In this case, the creditor undertakes to entrust, under his/her sole responsibility, receivables that are certain, liquid, and due within the meaning of the legislation.

Note: If the debtor disputes payment, he/she has two options:

  • Contacting the lawyer's office to explain the situation or completing a provided dispute form along with providing supporting documents.
  • A dispute supported by supporting documents sent directly via the debtor page.

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