How does invoicing work in recovery or collection, and what fees are included in monthly invoices?
Last updated February 20, 2024
1. Monthly Billing of Collection Fees
In the context of recovery or collection, it is common for fees to be applied at various stages of the process. These may include both: lawyer and administrative fees, etc.
To ensure transparency with the creditors and ensure good financial management, these fees are grouped into dedicated monthly invoices.
Monthly invoices give creditors a clear understanding of the fees incurred at each stage of the collection or recovery process. They also provide an overview of amounts recovered and associated costs.
2. The Fees included in the monthly invoices
a) Collection "Under Law Firm" : These fees correspond to the costs incurred during the initial evaluation of the debt by the lawyer. This includes, administrative fees for opening the case.
b) Collection "In the Hands of the Creditor" : When the debt is directly recovered by the creditor without the involvement of a lawyer, fees are still applicable.
c) Collection"Cancelled" : If the collection or recovery process is cancelled for any reason (for example, because the debt has been settled or the claim is uncollectible), there is a cancellation fee associated since we have started the communication steps.