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Help CenterEnglishRecoveryInitiating an amicable debt collection through RespaidWhy do we ask for an American postal address from your debtor customer?

Why do we ask for an American postal address from your debtor customer?

Last updated April 3, 2024

Rest assured, all information remains confidential.

A home visit is one of the communication channels used by RESPAID to solicit debtors.

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If the customer is of foreign nationality, the chances of recovery or collection may be lower than if the customer were of American nationality or resident in United States.

But don't worry, RESPAID has built up an international team.

So, don't wait any longer. If you wish to start a debt collection, we leave it to you to fill out the table  here  and implement it from your Dashboard by clicking on "start a recovery".

Please ensure that the table format is respected to avoid risks of errors in the information.

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