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Help CenterEnglishRecoveryInitiating an amicable debt collection through RespaidWhat is the process of notifying the creditor about a recovered case ?

What is the process of notifying the creditor about a recovered case ?

Last updated February 20, 2024

📌As soon as a case is partially or fully recovered, the creditor is informed by email about the amount and the payment method (via Respaid, directly to the client, or through the law firm), as well as the terms (single payment or installment plan).

📌For funds recovered through the secure and personalized Respaid payment link, the fund transfer is automatic. A weekly email is sent with an Excel table containing all the payments made during the week to facilitate lettering.

📌For payments made directly to the creditor, a bank proof is added to the case (available in the downloadable debt table from the dashboard) mentioning the amount, date, and recipient.

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