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Help CenterEnglishRecoveryInitiating an amicable debt collection through RespaidHow to fill in debtor information for effective recovery?

How to fill in debtor information for effective recovery?

Last updated March 18, 2024

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To start a collection, we ask you to send us the debtor’s table to collect.

In order to initiate the debt collection process, it is necessary to ensure the completeness of all information regarding the debtor, the creditor, and the debt.

Thus, we would like to inform you that a debt is equivalent to a B2B entity and a debtor. In the collection process, we attach great importance to the efficiency and speed of the steps taken to recover the receivables.

When filling out the Excel table with information about debtors, we strongly recommend that you give preference to Top Management contacts. These high-level contacts are often best placed to resolve payment issues quickly and facilitate the collection process.

If multiple contacts are listed, we prioritize members of Top Management. In the event of unavailability or lack of response, our teams will then reach out to secondary contacts to continue the debt recovery process.

We strongly believe that this approach will optimize our collection efforts and ensure a smooth and efficient process for all parties involved.

📌Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or need further assistance. We are here to help you recover the amounts owed to you.

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